This indenture, made the
twenty sixth day of January in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred
and sixty five Between J. B. Thompson the party of the first part, and James
McReynolds both of Sonoma County Cal & party of the second part, Witnesseth
that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of
Eighteen Hundred Dollars, to him in hand paid, by the party of the second part,
at or before the consenting and delivery of these units[?], the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, here granted, forgained, sold, alieved[?] reissued,
released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these present does grant, bargain,
sell alien[?], revise[?] colease, convey and confirm unto the said party of the
second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever. All That certain piece of
parcel of land situated in Analy Township County of Sonoma state of California
and described as follows, To wit, it being a part of the land sold by Jasper
O'Farell to Joseph Newl on the 26th day of September AD 1850 and commencing a
white oak tree on or near the boundary of J.M. Hudspeth's and running
57°30' (North) East 40 chains to a stake previously established in the
Corner of the tract of land Thence N.41°W. 34.40 chains to a red rood stake
heretofore established. Thence S.55°W.34.74 chains to red wood stake in the
corner of Jesse Thompson's fence & corral. Thence S.18°45'E. 3.96
chains to a red wood corner stake, Thence S.34°15'E.28.92 chains to the
White Oak tree, the place of beginning Containing 126 acres more or less
Together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any wise[?] appertainciny[?], and the reserves[?] and
reversions, reminders and remainders, rents, issues and profit thereof -- and
also, all the estate, right, tithe, interest, property, possession, claim and
demands whatever, as Well in[?] law us in equity, of the Said party of the
first part, of, in or to the above described premises, and every part and
parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. To[?] Have and to Hold, all said [?]
the above mentioned and described premises, Together with the appurtenances,
and the said part of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever.
And the said party of the
first part, & his heirs, the Said Premises, in the quiet and peaceable
possession of the said party of the second part, and his heirs and assigns
against the said part of the first part his heirs and assigns all and every
person and persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or claim the Same, shall and
will warrant, and by these present forever defend. And witness whereof, the
said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and
year first above written.
John B.
Thompson [seal]
Signed, sealed and
delivered in the presence of ---------
State of California,
County of Sonoma { on the
Twenty Sixth day of January A.D. one Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty live
before me, County Judge for Sonoma County duly Commissioned and sworn,
presently appeared the within named John B. Thompson whose name is subscribed
to the foregoing Instrument as party thereto, personally known...
Surveyed for Mr. James
McReynolds Beginning at a White Oak tree on Mr. Jas Hudspeth "line," near the
road to Bodega and ran N57°3' E. 40 chains to a Red Wood Corner stake
previously established as the corner to this tract of Land Thence
N.41°W.34.40 chains to a Red wood Corner stake heretofore established
Thence S.55°W.34.74 chains to a Red wood state in the Corner of Jesse
Thompson' fence & corral; Thence S.18°45' E.3.96 chains to a Redwood
corner stake; Thence S.15°E.28.92 chains to the White Oak tree the place of
Beginning. Contains 126 acres Surveyed the 27th June 1864 Variation allowed
16° 45' E.