Probate Record for Didamia (Stamps) Cockrill

From Sonoma County, Probate Records # 1592, Register #2, Page 140:

49. Statement of Debts Presented and Allowed

  Executors report the following allowances made upon the distributing interests or legacies --.
To Bruce Cockrill -- the sum of $ 25.00
" Ida J. Cannon " " " 328.95
Total advancements $353.95
Executors further report that they have sold none of the real estate during [?] for the Estate and all persons interested therein that it [?] distributed and held for better prices. That they have not sold the 50 shares in the Masonic Building at Bloomfield for the reason that the same would not have sold for enough to pay the cash and expense of notes and because it [?] which to distribute the same as the real estate for the reason that a time the real estate at Bloomfield would [?] the more valuable.

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