John Fulkerson amended declaration for a pension, November 26, 1832.


20998 (209 p8)

John Fulkerson

Declaration for a


State of Kentucky Grayson County Sct.

On this 26th day of November 1832 personal appearance in open court before E. A. Bozorth, Charles H. Stuteville, Joseph Boone, William Patterson, George W. Arighbours, Joseph Nilson, William C. Markham, Henry Letsey, William Brunk John Patterson, the Court of Grayson County in the state of Kentucky now sitting John Fulkerson a resident of Grayson County and state of Kentucky at age 77 years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath amend his declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7 1852. He states in addition to the statements made in his original Declaration that he entered the service of the United States in the revolutionary war in the militia of New Jersey in the year 1776 that he was some times drafted some times volunteer and some times a substitute that he served by tours of one month generally, and was almost continually in service during the war that he states that he served six months under Captain Cooper in the year 1777 1778 and that he served four months under Captain Dunlap in the year 1778 and is to the rest of his service he does not recollect the year not having records of the time but he well knows he served at least four years during the war for he was almost continually in services when he was not drafted or volunteer he substituted and was very seldom out of services of the militia of New Jersey as the shores of New Jersey had to be continually guarded to keep the British from landing their forces -- the said Fulkerson here in court file the affidavit of John Bruner proving his services which is attached to this declaration and written on the original Declaration.

Signed by John Fulkerson


Certified by Jack Thomas, Clerk 27 Nov 1832.

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