"Wedding Anniversary."
A pleasant party was given at the residence of Tripp
Fulkerson, in Rincon valley, Wednesday night, in celebration of the thirtieth
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fulkerson's wedding. A delightful evening was speat
by those present. The prominent feature of the evening was the following
original poem written for the occasion:
Dear brother, we've assembled here
To celebrate the thirtieth year,
Since first you said my own, dear wife,
The chosen one to bless your life.
You've journeyed on for thirty
Sometimes through smiles and sometimes
God grant the sorrows all have passed,
And naught but sunshine to the last.
And now within your pleasant
Your friends and kindred all have come
To see the bridegroom and the bride
With sons and daughters by your side.
And when the fortieth year has come,
May you still live to bless your home,
Then may your friends assemble here
To celebrate the fortieth year.
When you've been married your two
And friends have gathered here once more,
Then may the rubies shine more bright,
Than do the pale pearls of to-night.
And then in half a score,
And we are gathered here once more,
May naught but pure untarnished gold,
Be found in one of your household.
And when the diamond wedding
With loved ones in your pleasant home,
May you with good deeds shine more bright,
Than does the glittering diamond light.
The following-named ladies and gentlemen were present:
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Fulkerson, Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Wetherington, Mr. and Mrs. W.A.
Wetherington, Mrs. Jacob Harris, Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. R.A.
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Vetter, Mrs. Mary Wize, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Badger, Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Badger, Misses Julia Nye, Florence Harris, Sophia Bouli, Mollie
Fulkerson, Nora Fulkerson, Gertie Harris, Mollie Wendt, Pauline Wendt, Florence
Petross, Orbie Gregg, Laura McMillian; Messrs. Richard Fulkerson, J. Gregg,
James Petross, George Rodgers, Will Rodgers, Lee Badger, Joe Adams, John
Aldrey, Otta Rhymer, Will Bouli, Leonard Windt, James Whittaker, Claude
Wetheringlon, Ed Mercer, Harry McDonough and A. F. Chamberlain.