An illustrated history of Fylkingen which also includes a detailed history of text-sound can be found in this Swedish text:
EXPERIMENTELL KONST 1933-1993, edited by Teddy Hultberg (Stockholm: Utgiven
På Fylkingen förlag, 1994). Hultberg's essay, 'FRÅN
KRONOLOGIA ÖVER 40 ÅRS TEXT-LJUD KONST,' is a comprehensive history
in Swedish of text-sound in general, with a lot of specific details about its
origins and subsequent practice at Fylkingen.
Other documentation of Fylkingen associated
text-sound compositions can be found in:
Literally Speaking: sound poetry & text-sound composition, edited by Teddy Hultberg (Sweden: Bo Ejeby Edition, 1993). Texts about text-sound (many in English) by Lars-Gunnar Bodin, Henri Chopin, Carlfriedrich Claus, François Dufrêne, Öyvind Fahlström, Sten Hanson, Bernard Heidsieck, Åke Hodell, Bengt Emil Johnson, Ilmar Laaban, Jerome Rothenberg, Gerhard Rühm, Arrigo Lora-Totino, and Teddy Hultberg.
'Fylkingen,' by Bengt Emil Johnson, Sven Hansell, and Harvey Matusow, in Source: music of the avant garde Vol.. 4, No. 2, Issue # 8 (Sacramento, CA: Composer/Performer Edition, January, 1970), pp. 8-25.
Fylkingen International Bulletin (Stockholm: Fylkingen Society for Experimental Art, First issue, Winter 1967). Contains critical and theoretical documents particularly associated with the development of text-sound. A special binder issue was published in 1969, containing a comprehensive list of text-sound compositions and recorded phonetic poems up to that time, compiled by Sten Hanson, the then director of Fylkingen.
Text-Sound Compositions 1: A Stockholm Festival
1968 (Sveriges Radios förlag / Fylkingen record, RELP 1049). Works by
François Dufrêne, Åke Hodell, and Bob Cobbing.
Text-Sound Compositions 2: Stockholm Festival 1968 (RELP 1054). Works by Jarl and Sonja Hammarberg-Åkesson, Ilmar Laaban, Bengt af Klintberg, Sten Hanson, Bernard Heidsieck, and Bengt Emil Johnson.
Text-Sound Compositions 3: Stockholm Festival 1969 ( RELP 1072). Works by Åke Hodell, Diter Rot/ Emmet Williams, Sten Hanson, and Svante Bodin.
Text-Sound Compositions 4: Stockholm Festival 1969 ( RELP 1073). Works by Lars-Gunnar Bodin, Bernard Heidsieck, Henri Chopin, Ladislav Novak, and Erik Thygesen.
Text-Sound Compositions 5: Stockholm Festival 1969 ( RELP 1074). Works by Bengt Emil Johnson, Gust Gils, Bob Cobbing, Ilmar Laaban, Ladislav Novak, and Christer Hennix Lille.
Text-Sound Compositions 6: Stockholm Festival 1970 ( RELP 1102). Works by Sandro Key-Åberg, Anna Lockwood/Harvey Matusow, Henri Chopin, Ladislav Novak, and Svante Bodin.
Text-Sound Compositions 7: Stockholm Festival 1970 ( RELP 1103). Works by Franz Mon, Bob Cobbing, Arne Mellinäs, Ilmar Laaban, and Bernard Heidsieck.
Text-Sound Festivals --10 Years ( RELP 1010). Works by Lars-Gunnar Bodine, Sten Hanson, Åke Hodell, Bengt Emil Johnson, Ilmar Laaban, Charles Amirkhanian, Henri Chopin, Bob Cobbing, Bernard Heidsieck, and Arrigo Lora-Totino.
Electro-Acoustic Music From Sweden, Volume 1 and 2 (Stockholm: Phono Suecia PSCD 41, 1988). Includes text-sound works by Sten Hanson, Åke Hodell, Lars-Gunnar Bodin, and Bengt Emil Johnson.
The Pioneers: Five Text-Sound Artists (Phono Suecia PSCD 63). Works by Lars-Gunnar Bodin, Ilmar Laaban, Sten Hanson, Åke Hodell, and Bengt Emil Johnson.
Fylkingen also has a website.