Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

1. Widow's Claim for Pension, dated 2 September 1868.




Widow's application for

Army Pension under Sec.

9 Act of July 4th 1864.


Lydia M. Thompson widow

of Vincent Thompson dec'd.

Co. F. 3rd Tenn. Mt. Inf.


New address -- Jonesboro, Tenn.


Filed by R.W. Walker.

Washington D.C.

Dec. 1 1868



State of Tennessee

County of Washington }s.s.

On this 2nd day of September 1868 Personally appeared before me James E. Deakins Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County and State above named, the same being a court of record: Mrs. Lydia M. Thompson aged 41 years, a resident of Washington County and State of Tennessee, who being by me duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provisions of section 9th of the Act of July 27th 1868. To wit: that she is the widow of Vincent Thompson deceased, who was killed in battle with rebels on the 22nd day of January 1865 near a place called Chimney Top Mountain in Tennessee whilst he was temporarily engaged in a company of hundred days volunteer soldiers of 3rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry Company F. commanded by Captain Bowers the same a regular organized body of soldiers in the military service of the United States -- She further swears that she was married to the said Vincent Thompson on the 24th day of March 1847, at the house of Abraham Miller in Greene County, Tennessee. by one Gabriel Ford Esq. a Justice of the Peace. That her name before her said marriage was Lydia M. Bolton, that her said marriage is recorded in her private family records, and she believes there is a public record of same in the county where she was married, with the proof here to annexed is respectfully referred to.

She further swears that she has the following named children of her said husband and herself under the age of sixteen (16) years at the time of the death of her said husband now living: the dates of whose birth were as given below.


John B.



November 12, 1851


Martha M.



October 27, 1853


Joseph F.



May 21, 1855


Francis M.



March 26, 1857


Mary C.



December 21, 1858


George W.



January 31, 1861


Nancie A.



December 14, 1862


Sarah J.



September 19, 1865


She further declares that she has not remarried since the death of her said husband, nor has she abandoned the care and support of any one of the above named children, nor permitted any one of the same to be adopted by any other person or persons as his, her, or their children.

She hereby constitutes and appoints R. W. Walker of Washington D. C. her true and lawful attorney to present and prosecute this her claim for pension, and to receive the certificate when issued, and to do all other things necessary and proper on the premise. And she further declares that she has not in any manner been engaged in, or aided or abetted the rebellion in the United States.



M. S. Muhoney

Geo. K. Brown





Lydia M. Thompson


Also personally appeared Geo. K. Brown and M. S. Mahoney residents of the County of Washington and State of Tennessee whom I certify to be credible persons and who being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Mrs. Lydia M. Thompson sign her name to the for going declaration, and they know from their acquaintances with her to be the identical person she represents herself to be, and they have no interest whatever in the claim.


M. S. Mahoney

Geo. K. Brown


Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and dated above written, and that I have no interest in this claim, James E. Deakins.


Clerk Cirt. Court



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