Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

16. War Department Statement of the enemy capture of Nathaniel Pickering, dated 18 May 1869.




War Department



Washington, D. C., May 18th, 1869


In reply to your communication of the 7th of

May............. , 1869 , requesting information relative to

Nathaniel Pickering,............Co. "F" , 3d Regiment

of Tennessee Mtd. Inf'y Volunteers, I have to furnish you

the following "Prisoners of War Statement" from the Records of

Prisoners of War filed in this Office.

  It appears that Nat. Pickering, Sg't Co. "F" , 3d Regt.

of Tennessee Mtd. Inf'y Volunteers, was captured by the enemy at

Rheatown, Tenn., on the 22d day of January , 186 5,

and delivered on parole at Aiken's Ld'g, VA, February 15, 1865, reported at Annapolis, Md. February 15, 1865 was admitted to Hospital Div, No. 2 February 17, 1865, and sent to Baltimore, Md, March 10, 1865 -- No further record. ................................................


I am very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,


Andrew Breck


Assistant Adjutant General

To the Commissioner of Pensions,


C. P. Vol 4 pg 364 ........... D.C...........

Pf 135.69

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