Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

17. Statement by Alexander Hicks, dated 1 June 1869.



State of Tennessee

County of Washington } s.s.

On this 1st day of June 1869 before the undersigned a Justice of the Peace in and for the County and State above named, personally appeared Alexander Hicks, last 1st Lieutenant, Company F 3rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry of hundred days volunteers in the service of the United States whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, who being by me duly sworn according to law in oath makes the following statement. To Wit: that he was 1st Lieutenant, Company F of 3rd Regiment Tennessee Mounted Infantry as above states, and that in the fall of 1864, Vincent Thompson did duty in our 2nd Company and was considered by our officers and men as a true man of our Company, participating in all the duties and dangers incident to the same, scouting and acting as spy and bringing intelligence to the company of any approach of the enemy or of danger and as occasion required was as much as two or three months off and on doing duty with our Company -- On the 22nd day of January 1865, our said company was unexpectedly attacked by a superior force of rebels, the only commissioned officers of our company in the engagement was Captain Bowers as our scouts had been sent to different points for information, and was to have met on Tuesday 24th and I had started to Kingsport to band our boys together. There were only two of our company in the engagement but what were either killed or taken prisoners --

The boys of my Company after they got back from their capture informed me that Vincent Thompson insisted on Captain Bowers not to surrender and that Thompson and a few others got in among some rocks where but one or two cut fire and Thompson continued to fire. Some of the boys loaded for him till he was over powered and fell mortally wounded -- and further I have no interest in this claim --

Alexander Hicks

Late Lieutenant Co. F.

3rd Tenn. Mounted


Sworn to and subscribed the day and date first above written

Alexander H. Pierce

Justice of the Peace

for Greene County

State of Tennessee}

Greene County}


I, V. S. Malaney Clerk of the

County Court of said county,

do certify that Alexander H.

Pierce Esqr. before whom the foregoing affidavit was made is and was at the date thereof a Justice of the Peace for Greene County duly commissioned and qualified according to Law, and that all his acts as such are entitled to full faith and credit.

Given under my hand and seal of office, at office in Greeneville the 3 rd day of June AD 1869.

V. S. Malaney Clerk

Greene County Court



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