Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

20. Note by G. W. Ragsdale, dated 7 Dec 1875.




cho. 130.656

Lida Thompson

Widow of Vincent

Rheatown, Tenn

It is stated by reliable persons this soldier volunteered in a Union Company and went through the lines to Kentucky. That when he reached the Union Army he swore that he had been deceived and was disappointed, that he was going back home and fight on the other side. He deserted his company returned home and he remained until it was plain that the south would be defeated and then joined Capt. Bowers Co. of 100 days men. It appears that he died or was killed at home while not in the line of his duty. I am satisfied that this case ought to be investigated. See Capt. Pickering Fullers Depot. & Aaron Keys Blackleys Creek Tenn.




Knoxville, Tenn

Dec. 7, 1875


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