Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

22. Exhibit, Statement by Wm. M. Basket, dated 27 January 1876.





Case of Lydia M. Thompson , No. 130.656



On this 27th day of January , 1876, at

Milburntown , County of Greene

State of Tennessee before me, G. H. Ragsdale

a Special Agent of the Pension Office, personally appeared Wm. M

Basket , who, being by me duly sworn according to law,

declares that her age is 32 years, that he resides at Milburntown

County of Greene , State of Tennessee and that

he was a member of Company F 3rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry; That his regiment enlisted for 100 days; That it was mustered into service about September 1864 and mustered out in November 1864; That the Captain of said company, Joseph Bowers after muster out claimed that he had authority to recruit a 12 month regiment and affiant enlisted under him; That same time in January 1865 said Bowers, affiant and about 15 other men gathered together at the house of a Widow Cottell; That affiant does not know that all of these men were enlisted; That Vincent Thompson, the late husband of the pensioner in the above entitled case never belonged to said Company F to affiant's knowledge; That affiant had known said Thompson for 10 years before the war and lived a neighbor; That he (Thompson) was present at the Widow Cottells on the occasion mentioned but had not enlisted under Captain Bowers; That affiant knows this because Thompson told affiant that he would not enlist until he saw that it was impossible for him to go home; That while at said house a number of Confederates came up and surrounded the party; That Bowers engaged the enemy with the men he had; That one of his men was wounded and Bowers claimed to have been wounded; That he surrendered the men before anyone was killed; That the rebels killed Thompson after the surrender; That they started off with the other men and after going some distance killed three of the men on the charge that they had killed some rebels; That the other men were sent to rebel prison as affiant afterwards heard; That affiant and three others made their escape; That affiant was called upon to be a witness in this case that Dr. Humphries the agent prepared an affidavit but affiant refused to sign because it was false; That affiant heard an often reported story that Thompson was engaged in plundering both rebel and Union citizens before he was killed.

and he further declares that he has no interest, direct or indirect, in the claim
of Lydia M Thompson for a Pension; and further saith not.


Wm. M. Baskett


Sworn to and solicited before me this 27 day of January

1876, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to affiant before signing.


G. H. Ragsdale

Special Agent



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