Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

24. Exhibit, Statement by Alexander Hicks, dated 28 January 1876.





Case of Lydia M. Thompson , No. 130.656



On this 28th day of January , 1876, at

Gerldstown , County of Greene

State of Tennessee before me, G. H. Ragsdale

a Special Agent of the Pension Office, personally appeared Alexander

Hicks , who, being by me duly sworn according to law,

declares that his age is 47 years, that he resides at Gerldstown

County of Greene , State of Tennessee and that

he was 1st Lieutenant in Company F 3rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry; That this company regiment was mustered into service about September 1864 for 100 days and mustered out about November 1864; That Vincent Thompson, the husband of the pensioner in the above outlined case never belonged to said company but was with the company several times; That affiant's recollection is that he was with the company, and took a part in one little fight; That the officers of the company were not mustered out with the men in November 1864 but authorized to recruit another company; That the Captain of the Company, Joseph Bowers and affiant returned to their home in Greene County and commenced recruiting a company; That about the last of January 1865, Captain Bowers succeeded in getting together a small party of men and while gathering up other men was over taken by a large number of Confederates and after fighting sometime, surrendered; That Captain Bowers and one or two men were wounded but none killed until after the surrender; That immediately after the surrender, Thompson was killed and Captain Bowers was shot through the body and afterwards left him to die but he recovered; That shortly after the surrender the rebels killed three others of the party. One of these three men was Cauer (Alkania) Simmons; That Simmons' widow is drawing a pension on account of his death; That affiant does not know whether said Thompson agreed to enlist or whether he was with the party by accident; That affiant was not with the party fight and only knows what occurred.

and he further declares that he has no interest, direct or indirect, in the claim
of Lydia M Thompson for a Pension; and further saith not.


Alexander Hicks


Sworn to and solicited before me this 28 day of January

1876, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to affiant before signing.


G. H. Ragsdale

Special Agent



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