Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

25. Exhibit, Statement by George McPherson, dated 28 January 1876.





Case of Lydia M. Thompson , No. 130.656



On this 28th day of January , 1876, at

Jonesboro , County of Washington

State of Tennessee before me, G. H. Ragsdale

a Special Agent of the Pension Office, personally appeared George

McPherson , who, being by me duly sworn according to law,

declares that his age is __ years, that he resides at Jonesboro

County of Washington , State of Tennessee and that

affiant was Captain of Company F 10th Tennessee Cavalry; That before this Regiment was mustered in it was consolidated with the 8th Tennessee Cavalry and then affiant was Captain of Company D of the consolidated Regiment; That Vincent Thompson, the husband of the pensioner in the above entitled case enlisted in said Company F 10th Tennessee Cavalry expecting to get a commission that when the consolidation took place he failed with a commission and then he got drunk, cussed everybody and everything, and then took his son who had enlisted in the same company and left the command and affiant saw him no more; That affiant has always understood that he was killed while with a party of bushwhackers and plunderers; That affiant regards this case as an outrage upon the Government.

and he further declares that he has no interest, direct or indirect, in the claim
of Lydia M Thompson for a Pension; and further saith not.


Geo. McPherson


Sworn to and solicited before me this 28 day of January

1876, and I certify that the contents were fully made known to affiant before signing.


G. H. Ragsdale

Special Agent



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