Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

26. Summary of the Affidavits in the Hand of G. H. Ragsdale, n. d. ( July 1876?).




Lydia M. Thompson testifies January 27th, 1876, before Special Agent, that her late husband, Vincent Thompson first enlisted in the 8th Tennessee Cavalry and went thru the lines to Kentucky. That he was taken sick before he was mustered into the service and left his Company and went to some of his relatives and afterwards scouted his way home; that he could not stay at home on account of the rebels and had to scout about in the mountains; that after awhile he came home and said he had joined Captain Bower's Company of mounted men; that he was killed as affiant afterwards learned, near the Chimney Top Mountain while engaged with his Company in a fight with the rebels; that affiant went to the house of one Green Baxter where her husband died after he was shot and brought him home for burial; that affiant paid her Agent Richard Humphries 10 percent of the first payment of her pension for his services in prosecuting her claim for pension.



Wm M. Basket, testifies January 27th 1876 before Special Agent, that he was a member of Company "F" 3rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry; that his Regiment enlisted for 100 days and were mustered into service about September 1864, and mustered out in November 1864; that Captain Joseph Bowers of said Company after muster out claimed that he had authority to recruit a 12 month Regiment and affiant enlisted under him; that in January 1865, said Bowers, affiant and about 15 other men gathered together at the house of a Widow Cottell; that affiant does not know that all of these men had enlisted; that Vincent Thompson, the husband of the pensioner, never belonged to Company "F" to affiant's knowledge; that affiant had known and had been a neighbor to Thompson for 10 years before the war; that Thompson told affiant that he would not enlist until he saw that it was impossible for him to go home; that while in said house a number of Confederates surrounded the party; that Captain Bowers engaged the enemy with the men under his command; that he (Bowers) claimed to be wounded during the fight, and one of his men was wounded; that Bowers surrendered before any of his men were killed; that the rebels killed Thompson after the surrender; that Richard Humphries, the Agent in the claim, asked



Wm M. Basket, testifies January 27th 1876 before
Special Agent, that he was a member of
Company "F" 3rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry; that his


Regiment enlisted for 100 days and were mustered into service about September 1864, and mustered out in November 1864; that Captain Joseph Bowers of said Company after muster out claimed that he had authority to recruit a 12 month Regiment and affiant enlisted under him; that in January 1865, said Bowers, affiant and about 15 other men gathered together at the house of a Widow Cottell; that affiant does not know that all of these men had enlisted; that Vincent Thompson, the husband of the pensioner, never belonged to Company "F" to affiant's knowledge; that affiant had known and had been a neighbor to Thompson for 10 years before the war; that Thompson told affiant that he would not enlist until he saw that it was impossible for him to go home; that while in said house a number of Confederates surrounded the party; that Captain Bowers engaged the enemy with the men under his command; that he (Bowers) claimed to be wounded during the fight, and one of his men was wounded; that Bowers surrendered before any of his men were killed; that the rebels killed Thompson after the surrender; that Richard Humphries, the Agent in the claim, asked affiant to sign an affidavit, which he refused to do because it was false; that affiant heard it often reported that Thompson was engaged in plundering both rebels and union men before he was killed.





V. S. Malaney testified November 4th 1868 before
clerk of Greene County Tennessee that he was a sergeant
in Company "F" 3rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry (to serve 100
days with Captain Bowers); that Vincent Thompson
in January 1865 volunteered temporarily in said
Company and that on the morning of January 22nd, 1865,


near a place called Chimney Top Mountain, the Company was surrounded by rebels and after a fight during which Captain Bowers and Vincent Thompson were wounded, was compelled to surrender; that Thompson fell within a few feet of affiant, and died within 2 or 3 hours after.





Nathaniel Pickering testified before Special Agent January 27th 1876 -- this affidavit is in most particulars similar to that in affidavit "D", in respect to the fight with the rebs. and affiant states that Thompson only joined the Company on the morning of that engagement.





Alexander Hicks testified June 1st 1869 before a Justice of the Peace of Greene County Tennessee that he was 1st Lieutenant of Company "F" 3rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry and that in the fall of 1864, Vincent Thompson served in said Company and acted as scout and spy. Affiant was not with the Company during the fight.





Alexander Hicks testified before Special Agent January 28th 1876, that he does not know whether Vincent Thompson agreed to enlist in Captain Bowers Company or came to it be accident; that affiant was not with the party at the time of the fight.


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