Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

4. Statement by Nathaniel Pickering, dated 4 November 1868.



State of Tennessee

County of Washington } s.s.

On this 4th day of November 1868 personally appeared before me V.S. Malaney, Clerk of the County Court of the County above named, Nathaniel Pickering a resident citizen of the County of Greene and State of Tennessee well known to me to be a respectable person and entitled to credit, who being by one duly sworn according to law on oath makes the following statement. To Wit: that he was late 2nd Sargent in Company F commanded by Captain Bowers, of 3rd Regiment Tennessee Mounted Infantry of hundred days volunteer soldiers in the military service of the United States regularly organized and mustered, and that Vincent Thompson in the month of January 1865, temporally volunteered in the said company, and on the morning of the 22nd day of January 1865, near a place called Chimney Top mountain in the county of Greene and state of Tennessee, our said company was attacked, by the rebels, about one fourth of a mile from the residence of this witness, and continued till near sun down of the same day, the rebels being reinforced during the day till they out numbered our company of men more than ten to one of us, when our little band was over powered and compelled to surrender Captain Bowers fell very seriously wounded and the above named Vincent Thompson fell mortally wounded and died within 2 or 3 hours. He fell a few feet of witness when he was shot--

Witness was sent to the rebel prison Sebby at Richmond, Virginia. where he remained till exchanged -- Witness further states the foregoing facts are stated from being eye witness and participating in the action and that he has no interest in the claim.

Nathaniel Pickering

Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and day first above written

V.S. Malaney, Clerk

of the County Court of Greene County


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