Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

6. Witness of the birth of Lydia M. Thompson, dated 29 September 1868.



State of Tennessee

County of Washington }s.s.


On this 7th day of September [August] 1868 before the undersigned a Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State above named personally appeared Doctor Samuel E. Lyon well known to me to be a credible person who being by me sworn according to law, says that, he attended Mrs. Lydia M. Thompson on the 31st day of January 1861 at the birth of one her children, which she calls by the name of George Washington, and that he has no interest directly or indirectly in this claim.


Sworn to and subscribed

before me the day and

date above named }

John T. Smith

Justice of the Peace

for said county.




Samuel E. Lyon

Surgeon and Physician


State of Tennessee } John F. Gresham Clerk

Washington County } of the County Court of said

county, hereby certify that John T. Smith Esqr. whose genuine signature appears to the foregoing affidavit was at the date thereof an acting Justice of the Peace in and for said County duly commissioned and sworn, and that all his acts as such are entitled to full faith and credit. Witness my hand at office and official seal this 29th day of September 1868.


John F. Gresham Clerk

c. ct.



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