Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

8. Statement by Martha J. Baxter, dated 16 December 1868.



State of Tennessee

County of Washington } s.s.

On this 16th day of December 1868 before the undersigned a Justice of the Peace in and for the county and state a fore said, personally came Martha J. Baxter a resident of Greene County, Tennessee whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, who being by me sworn in due form of law on oath makes the following statement. To Wit: That on the 22nd day of January 1865, there was a battle fought near my residence between Captain Bowers' Company F of the 3rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry of hundred days volunteers in service of the United States, with the Rebels. In the said battle, one Vincent Thompson, one of the Union men, was mortally wounded, and brought to the residence of the affiant where he died within two hours from the time he was shot and I have no interest in this claim.

Gene L. White

Fre. M. White



Martha I. Baxter

Sworn to and subscribed before me on the day and date first above written.

George B. Jenning

Justice of the Peace

State of Tennessee}

Greene County}


I, Valentine. S. Malaney Clerk

of the County Court of said

County do certify that George.

Jennings Esqr. before whom the foregoing affidavit was made is and was at the date thereof a Justice of the Peace in and for said county duly commissioned and qualified according to Law, and that all his acts as such are entitled to full faith and credit.

Given under my hand and seal of
office, at office in Greeneville the 19th
day of December 1868.

V. S. Malaney Clerk

County Court Greene County



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