Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Lydia Meyers Thompson

9. Statement by Isaac Crawford, dated 17 December 1868.



State of Tennessee

County of Washington } s.s.

On this 17th day of December 1868 before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State aforesaid, personally appeared Isaac Crawford, a resident citizen of Greene County in the State of Tennessee well known to me to be a respectable person and entitled to credit, who being by my duty sworn according to Law on his oath makes the following statement. To Wit: that he the said Crawford was late a private in Company F of hundred days volunteers commanded by Captain Bowers of the 3rd Regiment of Tennessee Mounted Infantry, in the Military service of the United States, a body of soldiers, who were regularly organized, and duly mustered and paid accordingly, and that in the month of January 1868, whilst our settlement and neighborhood were infested with rebels, Vincent Thompson temporarily volunteered in the above named Company, and the 22nd day of January 1868 our said company was attacked and charged by the rebels, on the morning of that day at a place near Chimney Top Mountain in Greene County in the state aforesaid and continued during the day, the rebels being constantly reinforced, until our little band became completely overpowered by the enemy, we in the early part of the fight took to the adjoining hills, and in that way fought until compelled to surrender to superior numbers.
 In the said battle Captain Bowers was very seriously wounded and taken prisoner,

and the said Vincent Thompson was killed and fell at the feet of this witness when he was shot. Witness was sent as a prisoner of war to the rebel prison in Richmond by the name of Sibley. He makes the foregoing statement of fact from his own personal knowledge and has not interest in this claim.


Gene L. White

Fre. M. White





Isaac Crawford

Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day December 1868. George B. Jenning Justice of the Peace

State of Tennessee}

Greene County}


I, Valentine S. Malaney Clerk of the

County Court of said county,

do certify that George B. Jennings

before whom the foregoing affidavit was made is and was at the date thereof a Justice of the Peace in and for said county duly commissioned and qualified according to Law, and that all his acts as such are entitled to full faith and credit.

Given under my hand and seal of office, at office in Greeneville the 3 rd day of June AD 1869.

V. S. Malaney Clerk

Greene County Court



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