Civil War Veterans Widow's Pension Files for
Sarah P. Wakeland

Records #638310 and #471.735

Pages 1-2. Application for Accrued Pension (Widows), dated July 27, 1896. Filed by Sarah P. Wakeland who is 66 years old at the time and a resident of Cedar Rapids, Boone Co., Nebraska.

It states that Preston D. Wakeland had been paid by the Pension Agent at Des Moines, Iowa up to April 4, 1896. That Sarah P. Hawkins married Preston D. Wakeland on October 16, 1853 in Augusta, Marion County, Indiana. That she never had been previously married nor had him, and that she is now a resident of Cedar Rapids. There are also written remarks by two witnesses: Dennis Tracy and Charles Balson who had known the couple and their children for the past 11 years.

3. Widow's Claim for Pension, dated July 27, 1896. Filed by Sarah P. Wakeland.

That her maiden name is Sarah P. Hawkins and:

...she has remained a widow ever since the death of said Preston D. Wakeland and that she did not in any way aid or abet, in the rebellion against the United States; and hereby appoints John G. Parish of Cedar Rapids Nebraska as her lawful Attorney...

She has no children under the age of 16 years.


4 - 5. Affidavit, dated August 7, 1896.

State of Nebraska, :

: ss.

County of Valley :

On this seventh day of August, A.D. 1896, personally appeared before me, Kate M. Hall, a Notary Public within and for the county and state aforesaid, John Trester, aged 69 years, and Adeline Trestor, aged 68 years, each and both residing at Ord in the County of Valley and State of Nebraska, who each being sworn according to law, declares that they were witnesses and present at the marriage of Sarah P. Hawkins and Preston D. Wakeland on October 16, 1853 in Pike Township, Marion County, Indiana; that they, the said Sarah P. Hawkins and Preston D. Wakeland, were married by the Reverend Madison Hume, and that said marriage took place in the house and at the home of these affiants.

These affiants and each of them do further state that the said Sarah P. Hawkins was and is the sister of the affiant Adeline Trester, and these affiants do further and severally and individually state that the said Sarah P. Wakeland and Preston D. Wakeland did live together as husband and wife, that they were never divorced, and no separation occurred between them until on or about the 31st day of May, 1896. These affiants further state that they have been acquainted personally with said Sarah P. Wakeland and Preston D. Wakeland and have visited them frequently from the time of their said marriage in 1853. Affiants further state that neither said Sarah P. Hawkins or Preston D. Wakeland was married previous to their marriage to each other in said 1853...

Are these Tresters related to the Mrs. C. Trester of Cedar Rapids, Neb mentioned in Nancy Hawkins' obituary?


6. Neighbor's Affidavit in a Widow's Claim, received Feb. 24, 1898.

...George A. Robinson aged 50 years, and Lewis Leslie aged 61 years both residents of Cedar Rapids in the county of Boone and State of Nebraska who, being duly sworn, declare that they are neighbors of the Claimant, and knew her deceased husband, on whose account she applies for pension under the provisions of Act of Congress, General Laws.


7. Letter from Sarah P. Wakeland to Guy O. Taylor, not dated.

649 Tupper St.

Santa Rosa, Cal.

Mr Guy O Taylor (Disbursing Clerk)

Dear Sir Seeing that the Bill

giving Widows $20.00 per month

has become a law, I herewith

send the No. of my Pension Certificate

which is 471.795 Issued Dec 1, 1898.

I been getting a pension at $12 per month

& as I am nearly 87 years old, I certainly

am entitled to the increase.



Sarah P Wakeland

649 Tupper St

Santa Rosa, Cal.


former Address. R5 B992

Santa Rosa, Cal.


8. Request for the Increase of Pension, filed September 25, 1916. Form letter:

I am pensioned under the above certificate number, because of the service of the soldier (or sailor) named. I was his wife during the Civil War. I am 86 years of age, having been born Jan 5th, 1830, at 9 miles west of Indianapolis Indiana Marion Co. I am entitled to the increase of pension provided by the first section of the Act of September 8, 1916.


9-10. Letter from John James Wakeland to the Secretary of the Interior.

Sebastopol Calif.

R.4. D.2. Bx 118

Sonoma Co.


Secretary of Interior


Dear Sir

My Mother who was Mrs. Sarah P. Wakeland Pensioner. Holder of Pension Certificate

no. 471. 73566, widow of Preston D. Wakeland, Corporal Co. H. 70 Indiana Volunteers. Died Sept. 24, 1919. She was receiving $25 per month and at time of decease had almost a years dues coming to her.

Please inform me if the amount due her at death can be collected for the family and if so send instructions & blanks for collection of same.



J. J. Wakeland

Executor of Will

Sebastopol, Calif

R.4. D.2 Bx 118.


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