To date, no divorce record on Alapai Lonoaia...
and Ernest P. Faneuf. Record of License to Marry has no number and is faint.
However, have Hawaii Birth Cert. No. 44318, Book 178 for Dolores Faneuf born
Aug. 3, 1902 in Honolulu; Maria Kealoha Faneuf, Cert. 44319, Book 178 born Aug.
31, 1903 in Honolulu and Alice Lukula Faneuf, Cert. 44245, Book 177 born April
14, 1905 all listing their parents as Ernest Peter Faneuf and Alice Alapai.
Also, these certificates were issued on October 25, 1957.
John NAMAKA was the son of David OPUNI and Milanina
KAKAIO. He was a cowboy in Maui and a native Hawaiian.
John Namaka was
diagnosed with Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) and was taken to Kalaupapa for
treatment. Alapai left Honolulu and went to Kalaupapa to be with him...
Alapai's onset of Leprosy was about 1912. Alapai died of acute food poisoning,
leprosy, neurol. Death Certificate No. 1232, Kalawao General Hospital. She and
John Namaka are buried there along with a few of their children.