Book of Sarah P. Wakeland
Eliza Jane Wakeland Thompson

page thirteen: written in pencil by Sarah P. Wakeland, August 1905

Aug 1905


15 canned peaches. John & Rose gone to Forestville

16 caned peaches. Elden cam home with John

17 Wash day. Elden went hom with Jose & Dany

18 Sick all day. big fire close to school house

19 better to day. Dickersons here going home in morning

20 Thompsons Maggie & children CCs here Mildred came

21 am better. Sister Elliss here. bougt flower

22 finished canning peaches. Vla <?> Davis moved to day

23 made apple butter. Alace Bauman here ^went <?> to Rose City

24 ironed. John finishe Curries Porch

25 John Stacked my wood. Rose came from city

26 John finished wood. dug potatoes & buried trash

27 went to sunday school & curch. Mildre went to Forestville

28 Watters here to day. Eliza came & I gone to gracer <?>

29 Watters went home to day. I bought shoes to day

30 had 5 teeth pulled feel very poorly

31 Sick in bed most of the day


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