Book of Sarah P. Wakeland
Eliza Jane Wakeland Thompson

No. 1650
Property of ____________________________
________________________________ School

Being a transcription of a diary kept by Sarah P. Wakeland and Eliza Jane Thompson which my grandmother, Electa Grace Wendt, had in her collection.

An attempt has been made here to retain the original spelling and grammer of the various texts. Handwritten title by my grandmother on the top half of a heavily worn red 6 3/4" x 8 3/8" turn-of-the-century school notebook with a printed title following. Contents inside handwritten on 20 line per page paper.

page 1 -- Santa Rosa Apr. 15 1905

page 2 -- blank

page 3 -- May 1905

page 4 -- blank

page 5 -- May/June 1905

page 6 -- blank

page 7 -- June/July 1905

page 8 -- blank

page 9 -- July 1905

page 10 -- blank

page 11 -- July/ August 1905

page twelve -- blank

page 13 -- August 1905

page fourteen -- blank

page 15 -- September 1905

page 16 -- October 1905

page 17 -- October 1905

page 18 -- November 1905

page 19 -- November 1905

page 20 -- December 1905

page 21 -- December 1905

page 22 -- January 1906

page 23 -- January 1906

page 24 -- February 1906

page 25 -- February 1906

page 26 -- March 1906

page 27 -- March 1906

page 28 -- April 1906

page 29 -- April/May 1906

page 30 -- blank

page 31 -- April 21, 1910

page 32 -- blank

page 33 -- September 1910

page 34 -- Family history

page 35 -- May 11, 1924

page 36 -- January/October 1924

page 37 -- blank

page 38 -- Family history

page 39 -- Family history

page 40 -- Prayer (beginning)

page 41 -- Prayer (con't)

page 42 -- Prayer (conclusion)

page 43 -- Family history

page 44 -- January/May 1925 (Eliza Thompson)

page 45 -- May 1925 (Eliza Thompson)

page 46 -- Family history

page 47 -- Family history

page 48 -- Family history


page 49 to 128 are blank


page 129 - 1918/19 Budget (S. P. Wakeland)

page 130 - 1915 Budget

page 131 - 1917/18 Budget

page 132 - 1913/14 Budget

page 133 - 1917

page 134 - 1912/13 Budget

page 135 - 1911/14 Budget

page 136 - 19

page 137 - 1907

page 138 - 1916/18 Budget

page 139 - 1916/18 Budget

page 140 - Budget 1919

page 141 - cure for Rhumatism

page 142 - address for Ovalina Phillips

page 143 - addresses

page 144 - addresses


Inside back cover - addresses


Return to Sarah P. Wakeland

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