Book of Sarah P. Wakeland
Eliza Jane Wakeland Thompson

page forty-seven: written in ink by Eliza Wakeland Thompson

History continued


Daughter. Hellen Wakeland ^from Calif. now a
Graduate Nurse of Mt Zion Hospital San Francisco

Maggie Baggs in Cedr Rapids Neb
to them were Born two children. Francis &
Ruth. Francis accidentaly shot himself
at the age of <Nov. 10 1914. 15 yrs old written by Electa Wendt>

Ruth Married Frank Kidwell on Christmas
eve (1924)1925 they have a Baby Girl
Barbara June Born June 1927

Charlie Died at Sebastapol Calif Jan 14. 1903
his Widow Married Lee Fouts of Forestville Calif

Fathers Family history as I remember it

Grand Father. Turner R. Wakeland. a native of Ohio

Grand Mother Nettie (Arthur) Wakeland Ohio

The following children were born to them

Arthur Wakeland, Deceased

Preston D Wakeland ' ' ' ' '

Permelia Wakeland still living Dec. 25, 1927 ^aged.

John J. Wakeland Deceased

Levina Wakeland Died in early youth


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