Book of Sarah P. Wakeland
Eliza Jane Wakeland Thompson

page forty-six: written in ink by Eliza Wakeland Thompson

History continued


Eliza Wakeland Married John B. Thompson at
Albion Neb July 29 1887, 4 Children was Born
to them a followes

1 Vera Thompson. April 8, 1889 Cedar Rapids Neb
she has 5 children (she Married T.J Curtis at
Santa Rosa, Calif. her children are
Bernice Curtis, Fouts
Gertrude Curtis. Jamie Curtis. Ellen Curtis
and Johnie .... ___

2 Will A Thompson Born in Cedar Rapids Neb April 19 1892
Married Miss Leta Debois. (Divorced) no children

3 Electa Thompson. Married Milton F Wendt in
Santa Rosa Calif. was Born Dec 26 189 <a "6" covers the "7">
they now live in Napa Calif & have two children
Marjorie & Billie __ __

Sallie Thompson Born Dec 15 1899 Cedar Rapids Neb
Married William Douglas Wendt. (Bro to Milton)
They live in Santa Rosa and have one Child Evelyn

John J Wakeland Married Miss Rose Davis of
Roselma Boon Co Neb (No Children) one addopted


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