Book of Sarah P. Wakeland
Eliza Jane Wakeland Thompson

page thirty-six: written in pencil by Eliza Jane Thompson, 1924


Billie is working at Healdesberg Tractor
March 13th Willis Peterson was Taken to
The Napa Asylum (Insane) Tryied to kill
his Father
March 15th Mr Peterson went to Oakland
to visit his Brother and rest himself
Alma Fichter has a baby Girl
Mr Peterson came home Thurs 27
Mr & Mrs Richardson, Sallie and Baby
was here all day Thurs 27


May 11.1924
Edward Armstrong in special Meetings
at our Church (three weeks


Oct 14 Electas Baby Wm F Wendt was
born today at Mss Sebaafsmas
Maturnity home.


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