19 Feb 1871 - 23 Nov 1931

Father: Stephen Trible FULKERSON
Mother: Amanda Ellen COCKRILL

Family 1 : Pauline S. WENDT

  1.  Alma K. FULKERSON

                                                        _Fulkard FULKERSON _+
                             _Richard FULKERSON _______|
                            |                          |_Sarah DAVIS _______+
 _Stephen Trible FULKERSON _|
|                           |                           ____________________
|                           |_Sally Shepherd CLAWSON __|
|                                                      |____________________
|--Richard FULKERSON 
|                                                    _Anderson COCKRILL _+
|                         _Henry Harrison COCKRILL _|
|                        |                          |_Rebecca VENABLE ___+
|_ Amanda Ellen COCKRILL |
                         |                           ____________________
                         |_Ruhamy DOYLE ____________|


from Fulkerson 50th Annv.

Also known as "Dick" Fulkerson.

From the Sonoma County Deed Index
Grantee -- Richard Fulkerson (Jr.):
Grantor Instrument/Date Book Page
Henry B. Leggett Deed Sep 22 1903 209 403
Henry B. Leggett Deed Jun 15 1904 210 312
J. H. Brush & Wife Deed May 26 1905 217 266
J. H. Brush & Wife Deed Dec 18 1905 225 85

In a local telling of "Bear Flag Revolt" on June 14, 1846, Santa Rosa newspaper man and 19th century Santa Rosa historian, Robert A. Thompson, had this to say in his Resources of Santa Rosa Valley and the Town of Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California (Santa Rosa, 1884), p. 6-7:

After the raising of the Bear Flag, two men volunteered to go from Sonoma to Russian river for some powder, which, it was said, Moses Carson had at that place. These two men, whose names were Cowie and Fowler, were captured by Juan Padillo, who had charge of a band of marauders, and had taken possession of SeƱora Carrillo's residence, the old adobe on Mrs. F. G. Hahmans' farm, near Santa Rosa.
The two unfortunate men were captured near where Mr. Richard Fulkerson now lives. They were then taken up the valley, above the County Farm, where they were shot. Their bodies were mutilated and thrown into a stream, lightly covered with brush, a prey for the wolf and the coyote. A charitable Indian named Chanate--in English, Black Bird--less a savage than the slayers of poor Cowie and Fowler, went up and told Moses Carson of the condition of the bodies, and he came down and buried them beneath a pine tree.


From Mollie Wendt's collection
Pauline S. (Wendt), Alma K. (later Fetcher), and Richard Fulkerson at their Santa Rosa ranch.

My grandmother used to tell me many times how he use to go into town by horse and buggy every night to visit the bars. His companions would place him back into his buggy after the evening and this "trick" horse that he had would go back to the Fulkerson farm in Rincon Valley under its own guidance. He would pass by the Thompson family house on Geyserville Road like clockwork every night, and my grandmother's father would always announce, "There goes old Dick Fulkerson!"

My grandmother also remembered hearing the fire engines going by when the Fulkerson ranch burned down. "It lit up the whole sky!" she said.

From the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, 75th year, No. 276, 22 Nov 1931, p. 8:

Fulkerson Rites
Set for Tomorrow

Funeral services are to be held here tomorrow for Richard Fulkerson, member of a pioneer Rincon valley family, who died Friday night in a hospital here after a short illness. The funeral will be held from the Welti Brothers chapel.
Fulkerson was a native of Rincon valley, the son of the late Stephen and Amanda Fulkerson. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Alma Fechter, of Santa Rosa, and the following sisters: Mrs. Laura Badger, of Santa Rosa; Mrs. Helen Cummings, of Chico; Mrs. Nora Legett Carroll, of Richmond; and Mrs. Clara Grider, of Tulare; and a brother, Bruce Fulkerson, of Monte Rio.
Fulkerson's wife, Mrs. Pauline Fulkerson, died in 1919. Mrs. Mollie Wendt also was a sister.


Surname Index

Index of Persons

Fulkerson Homepage

Cockrill Homepage

Wendt Homepage

This page created on 08/01/99 12:59. Updated 08/06/03 20:02.