ABOUT 1850 -

Father: Vincent THOMPSON
Mother: Lydia Meyers BOLTON

Family 1 : --- (THOMPSON)

  1.  Howard V. THOMPSON

                       |               |__
 _Vincent THOMPSON ____|
|                      |                __
|                      |_______________|
|                                      |__
|--James A. THOMPSON 
|                                       __
|                       _Henry BOLTON _|
|                      |               |__
|_Lydia Meyers BOLTON _|
                       |                __
                       |_Debby HAWS ___|


From an old clipping (circa October 4, 1900) which my grandmother had kept:


Died--Howard V. Thompson, as ...

[corner torned]

result of a sad accident, at Jonesb ...

Tennessee, October 4, 1900, aged 3 years 11 months and 17 days.

The circumstances connected with this death are peculiarly sad. Howard was an exceptionally bright and lovable boy and the affections of his parents. Mr and Mrs J. A. Thompson, were twined about him as their idol. One of their three boys died several months be fore and this loss left them with only one child. It occured while on a visit with relatives after an absence of many years and which, but for this accident, would have been the most enjoyable visit of their lives. If it had been plainly an accident it would not have been so lamentable but it was caused by the criminal recklessness of a bad boy in the neighborhood, sixteen years of age, and who was so guilty as to leave the morning after the accident for another state. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson can rest assured that in this sad affliction they have the sympathy of their large circle of friends in this community.



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