ABOUT 1740 -

Family 1 : William Cook WAKELAND

  1.  Bowles WAKELAND
  2.  Betsey WAKELAND
  3. +Charles WAKELAND
  4. +William Canady WAKELAND

Family 2 : ?

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From letter (1/28/94) to me by Wakeland researcher, Barbara Luecke: their children are Bowles, Betsey, Charley, and Wm Canady.

Her last name could have been either Richards or Rodgers.


From Marna Wakeland Wilson:

Mary moved to Ohio Co. Kentucky about 1807 from Bourbon Co. Kentucky.


April Court 1801... Orders that the Sheriff pay unto Mary Weakland the sum of $20.00 for keeping Alexander Reineer as a poor person prior to December 1799 out of the money in his hands of the County Levy.


March Court 1807... An instrument of writing under the hand and seal of Mary Weakland in manumitting and selling at liberty a negroe man named Charles now in his posession was produced into Court and acknowledged by the said Mary Weakland and ordered to be recorded to wit"I Mary Weakland do hereby certify that I have this day acknowleged myself willing to emancipate my negroe man named Charles, from now and forever after this date and do hereby wish the Court to admit the same to record given under my hand and seal this 16th of March 1807 "

Signed ... Mary Weakland

Where upon it is ordered that said negroe be emancipated and set entirely free.


Deed Book C Page 335

Know all men by these presents that I Mary Wakeland of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and County of Ohio, have this day made deputed, constituted and appointed and do by these presents, make,depute, and constitute and appoint my faithful friend Jesse Payne of the Commonwealth and the County Bourbon my true and lawful attorney in fact to do, perform and transact as fully and as simply as I myself could personally do all matters and things, both in law and equity towards the collection of certain moneys due to me in said county of Bourbon as guardian legally appointed to Bowles Wakeland for the hire of a certain negroe man named Frank, belonging to the estate of said Bowles Wakeland and I do hereby likewise authorize and empower the said Jesse Payne to dispose of the said fellow Frank, by hiring him for the ensuing year. All which actings and doing matters and things so done by the said Jesse Payne and performed by the said Jesse Payne as my attorney I do hereby obligate myself to abide by, ratify and confirm and all his acts I do hereby stand ratified and confirmed as fully and completely to all intents and purposes as if they had been done by myself.

In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 20th day of December in the year of our lord on thousand eight hundred and eight.


Mary X Wakeland


The above document was delivered to Philip Fulkerson Dec. 21st, 1808

[Adam Fulkerson married Rebecca Wakeland in Bourbon Co., KY 29 Aug 1802. His father was named Phillip Fulkerson.]

I Charles Henderson Clerk of the County Court for said County do hereby certify that on the 20th day of December 1808 the foregoing power of Attorney from Mary Wakeland to Jesse Payne was established in my office and acknowleged by the said Mary Wakeland to be her act and deed and a copy thereupon admitted to record given under my hand this day and year aforesaid.

Charles Henderson Clerk

The Commonwealth of Kentucky to the Sheriff of Ohio County Kentucky Greetings......We command you that the estate of Mary Wakeland, late of your baliwick, you cause to be made the sum of $50.00 dollars which John Wotten, lately in our Ohio Circuit Court hath recovered against her for debt with interest thereon to be computed after the rate of six percent from the 18th day of July 1809 until paid. Also the sum of seven dollars and fifty two cents which to the said Wotten in the same court were adjudged for his costs in that suit expended, whereof the said Wakeland is convicted as appears to us of record and that you have the said sum before the Judges of our said Circuit Court in Ohio County at the court House in Hartford on the 17th day of June next to render to the said Wotten of the debt and costs aforesaid. And have then there this writ. WITNESS... Charles Henderson Clerk of our said Court at the Court House aforesaid on the 23rd day of April 1809 and in the 7th year of the Commonwealth.


This is just a theory of mine, but I think Mary Richards is actually Mary Rogers. I think that Turner Rogers and Mary are some how related. Was his father her brother ? William and Mary took him in when he was 3 years of age.


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This page created on 12/22/2002 13:37. Updated 04/18/2004 14:15.