Mayme J. BROWN

1 Jun 1887 - 24 Apr 1965

Family 1 : Frederick Berthald WENDT

  1. +Harold WENDT

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Listed in the 1910 Census, as "Mannie", a. 22, b. MO.
Mrs. Fred Wendt is listed as giving a lecture on the topics of the "Greek and Roman Period," and "The Durbar" (Santa Rosa Press Democrat, July 2, 1922, p. 2, under the title "Interesting Subjects for Philomath Club's Reflection -- India Theme"). Appears to be a periodic get together of society matrons to discuss cultural and philosphical issues.

Obituary from a clipping that my grandmother had kept, Press Democrat, April 24,1965 <handwritten on clipping>:


Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Eggen & Lance Mortuary for Mayme J. Wendt, 77, native of Missouri, who died Saturday in Oakland.

Mrs. Wendt formerly lived at 222 Montgomery dr. She and her late husband, Fred Wendt, were longtime Santa Rosa residents. Mr. Wendt died in October 1964, Mrs. Wendt lived two months in Oakland. She was a member of the Christian Church. She is survived by her son, Harold Wendt, San Leandro; her brother, Douglas Brown, and her sister, Nell Brown, both of Oakland; by two grandchildren and three great-grandchldren.

Howard Stansberry of the Christian Church will officiate. Private entombment will be at San Rosa Memorial Park. Contributions may be made to the Christian Church Memorial Fund.



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