Leonard SCHWAN

ABOUT 1833 - 9 Jan 1904

Family 1 : Wilheminia WENDT

  1.  Henry SCHWAN
  2.  Frank SCHWAN
  3. +Wilheminia SCHWAN
  4.  William SCHWAN
  5.  Lena SCHWAN

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In the Great Register of Voters Sonoma County, California 1890 (Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA: 1st Edition, April 1989), Leonard Schwan is listed as a 55 year old mechanic, born in Germany and naturalized in New Jersey on October 18, 1858 (page 163). A William Fred Schwan, 23 year old farmer born in New Jersey, and a Fred Schwan, 31 year old farmer born in New Jersey are also listed. A Henry Schawn (perhaps a variant spelling), a 28 year old farmer born in California is listed (page 193) -- he was born around the same year as the Henry Schwan which is listed living with the Frederick Wendt family in the 1880 Census, even if the place of birth is off. There is no listing for a Leonard Schwan in Sonoma County Marriages 1847-1902 (Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA: 1st Edition, March 1980), but there are marriages listed for a William Schwan and a Fred Schwan.

Bought property with Frederick Wendt on October 16, 1867 (Bk. 25 Pg. 149) in downtown Santa Rosa. Frederick Wendt bought another section of the downtown property from him on May 6, 1873 (Bk. 40 Pg. 320).

According to the Sonoma County 1890 Great Register, there is also a William Fred Schwan, 23, farmer, born in NJ and a Fred Schwan, 31, farmer, born in NJ -- they are probably all related in some way (perhaps brothers?)

Some Sonoma County Deeds: Grantee -- Leonard Schwan & Wife:
Grantor Instrument/Date Book Page

Kohle, August

Deed Sep 16 1863



Grantee -- Leonard Schwan et al:
Grantor Instrument/Date Book Page

McMinn, Joseph

Deed Nov 9 1865




McMinn, Joseph

Deed Oct 16 1867




Cemetery records in Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery, 1853-1905 (Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc., Santa Rosa, Ca; 1st Edition, March 1980), page 105. Passed away at 71.

From The Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, Friday Morning, 10 June 1904, p. 5:

Took Strychnine
And Died in Agony

Very Tragic End of Pioneer
Leonard Schwan in Santa
Rosa on Thursday
He went to his death in thirty
minutes after he had
taken the Final


Leonard Schwan, an old time resident of the city, in fact one of the oldest residents, took a large draught of strychnine crystals about noon on Thursday and went to his death thirty minutes later. The old man's rash act came as a great surprise to his friends and acquaintances, and they were many on account of his long residence here. That he took the poison with suicidal intent is bourne out by the statement of WIlliam Kopf who was doing some carpenter work on the house at Second and E Streets at the time and the old man's remark just before he passed away that he had "fixed himself." Before he took the poison he came into Kopf's presence and holding a glass containing some of the poison in his hand, told Kopf, "goodbye." He said that the glass contained poison and Kopf frustrated his plan then by knocking the glass form his hand. Nothing daunted Schwan he got hold of the bottle containing the drug and putting it to his lips swallowed the draught. Dr. Jesse and Police Boyes were at once notified and the physician did what he could to save the man but his services were of no avail on account of the size of the draught Schwan had taken.

It is supposed by those who knew the deceased intimately that he was primed to take his life as the result of brooding over the loss of his wife some time ago. On a number of occasions he had visited home of friends and had appeared very downhearted and had given way to tears when he referred to her death. He had also had considerable worry over family and property matters, it is said. When down town on Wednesday he appeared to be in good spirits and met and conversed with a number of friends cheerily.

The deceased worked on Henry Kronche's planning mills in this city for over a quarter of a century. He was a tanner and an expert in his line. Prior to going to work for Mr. Kronche he was in business for himself and prior to that was a gardener here over forty years ago.

An inquest will be held here this morning by coroner Frank Blackburn. It will take place at the M. S. Daus Undertaking Parlors at a quarter to nine o'clock. That was the hour set by the coroner last night. The deceased leaves five children, Mrs. Champion, Mrs. Forget, Frank, Henry, and Harry Schwan.


From the San Francisco Chronicle, Friday, June 10, 1904, p. 3:


Leonard Schwan, Seventy-three
Years Old, Takes Poison at
His Home in Santa Rosa.


SANTA ROSA, June 9. -- Leonard Schwan, aged 73 years, died by his own hand this afternoon, having taken poison. William Kopf was laying a floor in the kitchen of the Schwan residence this forenoon, and while engaged in that work Schwan came to the door with a glass of liquid in his hand. Holding the glass aloft, he bade the carpenter good-by and started to drink the contents. Kopf inquired waht it was, and when informed that the glass contained poison knocked it form Schwan's hand.

This angered the man, and he procured some strychnine and took enough of it to kill twelve men. On seeing what Schwan had done Kopf hastily summoned a physician. All possible remedies were used, but none availed. After suffering for several hours the aged victim succumbed to the effects of the poison.

Schwan's wife died some months ago and since then he has been living alone. He was the father of a large family of children, many of whom survive. One sone, William Schwan, committed suicide two years ago in a tragic manner at a ranch about ten miles from this city. Schwan was well known in this city, where he had resided over a quarter of a century. No reason is known for his act.


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