William M. WENDT

27 Oct 1865 - 6 Mar 1914

Father: Frederick WENDT
Mother: Paulina LANG

Family 1 : Mollie Leona FULKERSON

  1.  Claude Edward WENDT
  2. +Stephen Trible WENDT
  3. +Milton Frederick WENDT
  4.  William Douglas WENDT

                    _Frederick WENDT __|
                   |                   |__
 _Frederick WENDT _|
|                  |                    __
|                  |_Dorothea (WENDT) _|
|                                      |__
|--William M. WENDT 
|                                       __
|                   _Frederick LANG ___|
|                  |                   |__
|_Paulina LANG ____|
                   |                    __


Copy from Margie Hymer   Copy from Margie Hymer

Known also as Willie and Billy. Died at 48 at his mother-in-law's house as the result of a ruptured appendix (from his death certificate). Headstone is dated "1866-1914." Middle name perhaps Milton? Was a member of the Foresters of America.

Listed with his parents in the 1880 Census for Sonoma County, as a 14 year old (b. in CA), going to school.
William Wendt is listed in the 1900 Census as being born October 1865. Also, listed was a Vernon Cockrill, b. May 1873 CA, a. 27 was listed as "Se" in William's household. Vernon Downs Cockrill was the grandson of William Barrett Cockrill, the brother of William's wife's mother. Vernon died at the age of 36 in 1910 and is buried in the Fulkerson Cemetery. William M. Wendt's father, Frederick, bought land from a Vernon Downs.
Listed as William, a. 44, in the 1910 Census.

Listed in the Great Register of Voters Sonoma County, California 1890 (Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA: 1st Edition, April 1989), as William Wendt, 23, Farmer, Santa Rosa Twp.

William Wendt's sister, Paulina , married his wife's, Mollie Fulkerson's, brother, Richard Fulkerson (a similar arrangement occured with William's son Milton, whose brother married Milton's wife's sister). William's and Mollie's four sons, were "double cousins" to Richard's and Paulina's daughter, Alma.


Copy from Electa Wendt


William and Mollie bought land from an Elizabeth Billings on November 11, 1905 (Sonoma County Deeds Book 223 Page 270):

Billings is the holder of a certificate of sale issued by J. M. Thompson, Commissioner, on July 3, 1905 as a result of a foreclosure and sale in the action of Elizabeth Billings, Plaintiff vs. William and Mary L. Wendt Defendants rendered on May 29, 1905 and entered on June 2, 1905. J. M. Thompson sold the property on June 7, 1905 and applied the proceeds of such sale toward the satisfaction of the judgment in said action. Sold the property to Elizabeth Billings who made the highest and best bid on the sale for the sum of $3596.83. William and Mary L. Wendt are entitiled to redeem the property from the sale. Now, therfore, Elizabeth Billings in consideration of the sum of $3750.33 in gold coin to her in hand paid by William and Mary L. Wendt, do herby acknowledge full and entire satisfaction of the amount of the judgment and the payment is in full for the redemption of the lands and premises from the sell. Elizabeth Billings releases all rights to the property to William and Mary L. Wendt by reason of certificate of sale (certificate dated July 3, 1905 and was recorded on July 5, 1905 in Book D of Certificates of Sale, page 523, Sonoma County Records). Being Lots number 3 and 4 and the South half of the Northwest Quarter, all of section 3 and also lots 1 and 2 and the South half of the North east quarter of section 4 all in township 7 North of Range 7 West of the Mount Diablo Meridian. Containing three hundred and twenty seven and 83/100 acres of land, according to United States Survey and known as the "Childers Place." Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditnments and appurtences there unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Recorded at the request of Wm. Wendt Nov. 11, 1905 at 11:47 AM. A dollar thirty was paid <it cost me $3.50 to copy this document in 1995!>.

There is a lawsuit in the Sonoma District Court associated with this deed which was filed in 1904 and is case #6075, which I have been unable to examined yet.

Copy from Electa Wendt

Obituary for William Wendt from The Press Democrat, Saturday Morning, March 7, 1914, p. 10:

William Wendt
Died Last Night
Son of Early Pioneer Passes
After Illness of Five Weeks --

Many friends will hear with sincere regret that William Wendt, familiarly known as "Billy" Wendt, son of the late well-known Pioneer, Fred Wendt, died last night at his home on Santa Rosa Avenue.

Everybody knew "Billy" Wendt and liked him. He was born in Sonoma County and his life was spent here. He was forty-eight years old last October. Death ensued after five weeks of illness. During his last illness he was given all the care and attention possible and the end came very peacefully.

Mr. Wendt is survived by four sons, Claude, Milton, Stephen and Douglas Wendt; an aged mother, Mrs. Fred Wendt; two brothers, Leonard and Fred Wendt; three sisters, Mrs. Chas. Leggett, Mrs. Richard Fulkerson and Miss Katherine Wendt. With the bereaved ones much sympathy is expressed."



Photo by William F. Wendt

Also from The Press Democrat, March 8, 1914 p. 8:

Funeral of the Late William Wendt.

The Funeral of the late William Wendt will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence at 729 Santa Rosa Avenue. The funeral services will be held under the auspices of the Foresters of America and internment will be in the Fulkerson Cemetery.



Copy from Margie Hymer

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Wendt Homepage

This page created on 12/22/2002 13:37. Updated 07/05/2004 15:56.